The High-Level Stages of Collision Repair

The High-Level Stages of Collision Repair

We might be familiar with individual stages of collision repair and the events following a car accident, but does everyone know all the steps that should be followed? Car accidents are stressful and overwhelming. This guide will aim to ease the stress and provide a...
Secondary Vehicle Issues Caused by Collisions

Secondary Vehicle Issues Caused by Collisions

After a collision, it’s typically easy to see the superficial damage, and even guess what damage might have done behind it. What’s difficult to tell at first glance is what smaller, yet still significant, secondary issues arose from a collision. Superficial versus...
Collision Types that Require Towing Service

Collision Types that Require Towing Service

For those not vehicle savvy, it can be hard to tell after a collision whether you need a towing service unless the car is totaled. Find out what kinds of collisions require a towing service, why, and how the repair can be completed after. When is a towing service...